Rings of Men - Khamul™ - Badali Jewelry - Ring
Rings of Men - Khamul™ - BJS Inc. - Ring
Rings of Men - Khamul™ - Badali Jewelry - Ring
Rings of Men - Khamul™ - Badali Jewelry - Ring
Rings of Men - Khamul™ - Badali Jewelry - Ring
Rings of Men - Khamul™ - Badali Jewelry - Ring
Rings of Men - Khamul™ - BJS Inc. - Ring
Rings of Men - Khamul™ - BJS Inc. - Ring
Rings of Men - Khamul™ - BJS Inc. - Ring
Rings of Men - Khamul™ - BJS Inc. - Ring

Mhete dzeVarume - Khamul ™

Regular price $179.00
5 ongororo

Muchikamu chekupedzisira chezera repiri reMiddle-Earth Sauron yakaratidza zvindori zvipfumbamwe kune varume vapfumbamwe. Iyi ndiyo mhete yeKhamul, imwe yemapfumbamwe maRinwraiths erima ishe Sauron uye wechipiri kune Witch-King. 

DetailsMhete yeKhamul ndeye sterling sirivheri uye yakapedzwa neblack ruthenium plating *. Iyo mhete yakaiswa ne 12x10 mm faceted lab yakakura ruby. Mhete inoyera 15 mm pachikamu chakakura kwazvo chebhendi, 3.7 mm yakafara kumashure kwebhendi, uye inomira 8.2 mm kureba kubva pachigunwe chako kusvika pamusoro pedombo. Iyo Ringwraith mhete inorema ingangoita 12.4 magiramu, huremu huchasiyana nehukuru. Iyo yemukati yebhendi yakadhindwa nemucherechedzo wevagadziri vedu, copyright, uye zvemukati zvesimbi.

Saizi DzesarudzoIyo Khamul mhete inowanikwa muUS hukuru 6 kusvika 20, yakazara, hafu, uye makota masizi (saizi 13.5 kusvika makumi maviri ndeimwezve $ 20).

PackagingChinhu ichi chinouya chakarongedzwa mubhokisi remhete ine Kadhi reKuvimbika.

ProductionIsu takagadzirwa-ku-odha kambani. Yako odha inotakura mumazuva mashanu kusvika kugumi ebhizinesi kana chinhu chacho chisiri muchitoro.

*Cherechedza nezve Ruthenium plating: Nekuda kwekushomeka kwemidziyo pachitoro chedu, plating yacho yakatetepa. Kana zvishongo zvichipfekwa zuva nezuva, plating inogona kutanga kupera mukati mevhiki, kunyanya nemhete. Isu tinopa yemahara imwe-nguva kudzokorodza, uye tozopa replating masevhisi emadhora gumi nemashanu mushure menguva yekutanga, iyo inovhara basa uye mutengo wekudzoka kutumira kwauri. Dzimwe sarudzo dzekupedzisa dziripo pakukumbira. Ndapota taura nesu kana uine mibvunzo.

Inotenderwa zviri pamutemo Iyo Ishe weRings uye Iyo Hobbit zvishongo neMiddle-Earth Enterprises"Khamul", "Sauron" uye Ishe weRings uye mavara, zvinhu, zviitiko uye nzvimbo dzirimo zviratidzo zveMiddle-earth Enterprises, LLC inoshandiswa pasi perezinesi. by Badali Jewelry. All Rights Reserved.
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Ndatenda nekutumira wongororo!

Kuisa kwako kunoongwa kwazvo. Igovera iyo neshamwari dzako kuti ivo vagone kunakidzwa nayo!

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Gellért C.
Hangari Hangari

Pure excellence

I recieved the package today, and in a relatively short amount of time considering that it traveled half the world. The support was exceptional, i got all the updates since i ordered it. When i opened the package i was amazed how perfect this ring really is. I am perfectly satisfied, and i whould order from this shop again.

Jerimani Jerimani

Like from another world.

Iam from germany and I decided to buy all 9 rings of men. When I saw them I knew instantly that it was love of first sight and they belong to me. :) But despite this fact I asked myself more than 2 times will it be worth? The money, the stress to buy it from another country (postway, zoll-tax and so on) and if they finally arrive to me what will be if they don´t match with my fingers... what if they don´t match with me in real life and I will be disappointed? Now I have them all..... I can´t describe it really. :) From the moment I saw the first one I knew everything was fine. They matched to me from the beginning to my fingers and to me as a person. :) In real life they look even BETTER than from the pictures.... in many cases it is the opposite.... all 9 are very fine. Words can´t describe it... I simply show few pictures. Thanks badali-jewelry! :) Very good service and they do everything to make the customer´s happy. The rings are really really special! I feel that! :) In the next months I get them all from lord of the rings! ;) It was so worth of it... :)

Shannon R.
nyika dzakabatana nyika dzakabatana

Detail fit for a Crown

The stone is large and faceted and the ring has fine detail that looks like a crown, honestly. Well done!

Badali Jewelry Rings of Men - Khamul™ Review
Jonathan P.
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Hunyanzvi hwekugadzira

Ndakatenga zvinhu zvakawanda kubva kukambani iyi, hapana nyaya uye sevhisi yevatengi iri pamusoro.

Brian M.
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ndinoda chidimbu, ndinonzwa kunge JRRT ingadada